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To register a company in Poland you do not even have to come to Poland - which does not mean that we would not like to meet you in person!

There are two ways to register through the Tax Advisory Office:

1) You can buy an existing and registered company through the Tax Advisory Office, it usually takes from 3 to 5 days (depending on line of business).

2) Or, you can register a new company, which usually takes three weeks after the approval of the company name.

phone: +48 83 344 30 28,



In Poland, you have the opportunity to appoint nominees, therefore it becomes impossible to identify the owner of the company by another person.

The fee for this service is included in the package.

company name


In the beginning you need a company name, which is verified by our office in KRS registration.

This service is free of charge.


If you do not want to rent your own office in Poland, we will make ​​ the required address available to you. This is also included in the package.
If you need specialized personnel or equipped workplace, please contact us for further information.


To register a company in Poland, you need at least data of a person or company that will be a shareholder (owner) or we can help you to find the right shareholders.
If you wish to remain anonymous, these might be persons appointed by the Tax Advisory Office.

bank accounts


Through our company you can open bank accounts around the world without any problems. We cooperate with leading banks in Poland, which possess capital relations all around the world.

Bank accounts in EUR, CHF, USD are given as an option - other currencies are also possible.

Opening any bank account within a day.

Visa or Mastercard card, Gold or Platinum, may be issued in any currency. For the issued card you usually have to wait up to a week.

Welcome to the Tax Advisory Office,

We specialize in setting up and running Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other CIS originated companies in Poland.
We cooperate with the best lawyers, accountants and auditors, we are always involved in achieving the best results for our clients.


  • platinium
    In platinium package, you get everything what is included in the gold one and additionally:
    • Access to a personal computer with the Internet (leasing 5 hours a week)
    • 2 stays per a year in a five-star hotel in Poland
    • Transport from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the airport
    • Personal fax number in Poland
    • Personal secretary working for you for 2 hours a week
    • Opportunity to have your own workplace for 5 hours a week
    • All meetings and consultations
  • gold
    The same as in the Silver package, however, in this package there are
    • 50 invoices per year
    • 5 consultation meetings
    • A corporate telephone in Poland
  • silver
    The same as in the Bronze package, however, in this package there are
    • 25 invoices per year
    • 3 consultation meetings
  • bronze
    In bronze package, you get everything you need to start a business:
    • The appointment of: a director, secretary, shareholder (depending on the needs)
    • Accountant’s fee, one consulting meeting per year in Poland
    • Quarterly statement of VAT
    • Tax settlement, reports, bookkeeping, administration
    • Office registration
    • Telephone, fax, mailing address
    • Telephone and online consultations
    • Up to 15 invoices per year
Fill in the form (the person who will contact you speaks English)

* - required fields
Wyrażam zgodę na przesyłanie informacji handlowej za pomocą środków komunikacji elektronicznej w rozumieniu Ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r. o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną (Dz.U. 2002 r. Nr 144 poz. 1204).


Kancelaria Doradztwa Podatkowego
Biała Podlaska, ul Sadowa 14


Obsługa klientów
w języku rosyjskim
i angielskim

Zapraszamy do współpracy

+48 692 490 651

Kancelaria zrealizowała projekt pt. "Wzrost kompetencji pracowników Kancelarii Doradztwa Podatkowego Grażyna Gawryczuk" poprzez udział w szkoleniach w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Lubelskiego na lata 2007-2013.

"Wzrost konkurencyjności Kancelarii Doradztwa Podatkowego Gawryczuk Grażyna na rynku krajowym poprzez wdrożenie systemu zarządzania jakością ISO 9001"

Kancelaria Doradztwa Podatkowego zrealizowała projekt : Wzrost konkurencyjności firmy Kancelaria Doradztwa Podatkowego Grażyna Gawryczuk w wyniku wdrożenia innowacyjnej platformy e – księgowość w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Lubelskiego na lata 2007 – 2013, Oś Priorytetowa: I. Przedsiębiorczość i Innowacje, Działanie: 1.2 współfinansowanego ze środków europejskich i dotacji celowej. Numer projektu: 01.12-UDA-RPLU.01.02.00-06-354/12
